Or at least a breaking rumor.
In the wake of the bombshell revelation that Hillary Clinton instructed an aide to remove markings from classified material,
there's this nuclear bombshell revelation from R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr at the American Spectator --
The Federal Bureau of Investigation will recommend that the Justice Department bring criminal charges against Hillary Clinton and various of her aides, and soon. The evidence consists of materials that the Bureau has gathered in the course of its months-long investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s personal server. The recommendations will come very soon.
The charges will consist of some of the following:
1. Improper disclosure or retention of classified information.
2. Destruction of government records.
3. Lying to federal agents.
4. Lying under oath.
5. Obstruction of justice.
All the counts are familiar to those of us who have followed the Clintons for a quarter of a century, but, as one source familiar with the FBI’s investigation told me, the evidence has now reached a “critical mass.”
There are those who have told me that the FBI has been engaged in a ruse. And that the Bureau will report it has come across nothing criminal. Then the whole imbroglio is expected to blow over.
But such cynics are in the minority. Most sources have told me the investigation is genuine, serious, and all but completed. One told me that it was completed two months ago. The Bureau has put together a case that as one source put it “is locked up. It is solid.”
In the past, as FBI agent I.C. Smith wrote in his book Inside: A Top G-Man Exposes Spies, Lies, and Bureaucratic Bungling Inside the FBI, the Clintons have benefited from a few corrupt agents, usually in Arkansas. But that was years ago, and in Arkansas. This is the FBI in Washington, at the top where there are plenty of utterly professional law enforcement officials. They believe truth matters and so does the pursuit of justice. “They have been building a case that is unassailable,” one source told me. “It is beyond the case against Petraeus.… It is about the violation of federal statutes.”
...Whatever happens, seasoned political players have claimed Hillary will continue in the race for Democratic nomination. Joe Trippi, former campaign manager for 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean, was overheard in the Green Room at Fox saying Hillary will run to the end*.
*Of course she will. Hillary sees the presidency as her get out of jail free card, as husband Bill gets his second go round as an AG.
An earlier article by Debra Heine (PJ Media) noted that former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova concurs with Tyrell's assessment.
A former U.S. attorney predicted this week that Hillary Clinton "will not make it to the finish line" in 2016 because she will soon be facing a criminal indictment from the FBI. During an appearance on Laura Ingraham's radio show Tuesday, famed attorney Joseph DiGenova said that the FBI has "reached a critical mass in their investigation of the secretary and all of her senior staff" and predicted that it would come to a head "in the next 60 days."
DiGenova, who rose to national prominence during the Clinton scandals of the '90s, told Ingraham that if Attorney General Loretta Lynch refuses to indict Clinton, there will be a "massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an Attorney General."
FBI Director James Comey has not indicated when his agents will wrap up their months-long probe into Clinton's possibly illegal "homebrew" email server, but during a Senate hearing last month he said the FBI doesn’t “give a rip about politics” and that President Obama has not been briefed on the investigation.
DiGenova said that the FBI already "has so much information about criminal conduct by her and her staff that there is no way that they walk away from this."
DiGenova --
"And if Jim Comey, the FBI director, is doing his job, which I expect him to do as an honorable man, she cannot be the nominee of the Democratic Party. She’s going to have to be charged with the crime. It’s going to be a very complex matter for the Department of Justice, but they’re not going to be able to walk away from it. She and her staff have committed numerous federal crimes involving the negligent and improper handling of classified information. They are now at over 1,200 classified emails. And, that’s just for the ones we know about from the State Department. That does not include the ones that the FBI is, in fact, recovering from her hard drives."
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